Lock&Amp;Lock Bình Giữ Nhiệt

Whether you’re just ducking in for a coffee or leaving your xe đạp out all day, there’s a loông xã to help keep your rig safe.


In five minutes time, you can order a coffee, check your email, politely glance at the other café-goers, receive sầu said coffee, and return to lớn where you left your unlocked bike, which was stolen four minutes ago. Shouldn’t have sầu asked for an extra shot, but hindsight is 20/trăng tròn và now your prized bicycle is listed on a neighboring city’s Craigsdanh mục for pennies of what you paid. The FBI reported 131,777 bike thefts in 2018, although the real number is likely higher because many property crimes go unreported. An Oregonian analysis of 13,000 Portland bicycle thefts found that only 2 percent of reports ended in arrests, which means your bike is probably gone for good.





The good news is bike thieves are criminals of opportunity, so you can decrease your risk by locking up more intelligently than the next cyclist. Let’s run through the pros & cons of each genre lớn help you piông chồng the best lock for your situation.

Four Types of Locks

A thief with the right tools can defeat any bike lochồng in five minutes, but that doesn’t mean all locks are created equal: The crook will raise hell cutting through a hardened-steel U-loông chồng or chain with an angle grinder, so he or she is more likely lớn go after a cheaper, lightweight cable loông chồng with a set of bolt cutters. To decide how much security you need, consider your location và duration of lockup.

Best U-LocksBest Folding LocksBest Chain LocksBest Lightweight Locks

All-day lockups on college campuses và in major metro areas where thefts are common require more security, says Kryptonite brand manager Daryl Slater, & anything left out overnight necessitates paranoia-cấp độ countermeasures (using multiple locks that can’t be defeated by the same bolt cutters is a good start). Here’s how the basic lochồng types differ, in order of most lớn least secure.

Bạn đang xem: Lock&lock bình giữ nhiệt

Can My Loông chồng Be Picked?

Just lượt thích all xe đạp locks are eventually susceptible to cutting attacks, all bike locks can also be picked. But most modern locks can’t be defeated by amateurs, says competitive sầu loông chồng picker Schuyler Towne. Disc detainer locks, which use a series of rotating discs, are considered the most difficult khổng lồ piông xã. Slider locks, like those from OnGuard, have keys with laser-cut slots & flat sides & can provide high security. “The more cuts on the key, the more secure it is,” Towne says of slider locks.

Bike locks may have different locking mechanisms, but most use a similar basic construction to lớn the pin tumbler lock (above). The key goes inkhổng lồ a plug that sits within a cylinder, và a series of pins, wafers, discs, or sliders prsự kiện the plug from turning without a key.
In a pin tumbler lochồng, a series of spring-loaded pins prsự kiện the plug from turning. Inserting a key, or picking the lochồng, lifts the tumblers lớn clear the shear line—where the plug meets the cylinder—và opens the lock.

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Pin-tumbler locks are a classic design that can sometimes be foiled by brute force attacks, although others require more skill. And wafer locks are considered the least secure—more vulnerable to lớn entry-level picking—but individual wafer locks may prove more secure than others. Find a detailed mô tả tìm kiếm of each type of locking mechanism at the bottom of this guide.

Using Your Lock

Once you’ve bought a lochồng, you have sầu khổng lồ put it khổng lồ work. “Make sure you lock according khổng lồ value,” Slater says. “The frame (being most expensive), the rear wheel, then the front wheel.” Unlocked frames & wheels will likely be stolen eventually, so your best bet is locking both wheels khổng lồ the frame with a chain or cable lochồng (or another U-loông chồng, in high-risk areas). Ayên ổn for well-lit places & never leave sầu a loông xã against the ground, as thieves might get the necessary leverage to pry it open. Make sure your xe đạp can’t be lifted up & over a poll or tree. Slater says he’s encountered victims whose bikes were locked lớn street signs, over which a bike can easily be hoisted, or small trees, which were promptly cut down. As a general rule, the thing you’re locking lớn should be stronger than your lock. Lastly, take down your bike’s serial number (under the bottom bracket) & register it with your local police department in case the worst happens.

How We Chose

Every lock here has been thoroughly evaluated & vetted by our team of kiểm tra editors. We research the market, survey user đánh giá, speak with hàng hóa managers & engineers, and use our own experience with these locks khổng lồ determine the best options. We’ve sầu used these locks, weighed them, & evaluated their mechanisms. We’ve cut a few in individual tests, & we’ll update this guide with full destructive testing as soon as we can return to our office. For now, we’ve sầu researched testing và picking conducted by outlets like Wirecutter and Bike Radar và experts like LockPickingLawyer lớn identify the best locks in each category.

We ruined the blade of our hacksaw before we made a dent in the Hiplok DX. Ultimately, we cut the shackle with a five-inch DeWalternative text cordless angle grinder in about 30 seconds. In a different demo, a Kryptonite New York lochồng withstood about 40 seconds of cutting. (Both locks require two cuts lớn open the shackle.)
Now that you’re lock literate, check out these 17 options for securing your xe đạp & shackling down some peace of mind.


Kryptonite New York

Weight: 4 lb. | Frame mount? Yes | Locking mechanism: Disc detainer